Clarence Wijewardena
Lyricist: Cyril A. Wimalweera Musician: Clarance Wijewardena
C / 142 / Fl

සැණකෙළියේ - E (Orig Key: C)

Select New Pitch:   Ab    A    Bb    B    C    C#    D    Eb    E    F    F#    G 


|E |- |- |B7

|- |- |- |E

|E |- |- |B7

|- |- |E |-


|E |B |A B |E

szNekEliyee saNdhe ELiyee dhimuthu lathaawayi

|E |B |A B |E

siLi siLiyee siyumzLiyee omeri hinaawayi

|A | |E |

omeri hinaawayi - omeri hinaawayi


|E | |A |

nzz kisi dhukak sithee siithele pawan wzdhee

|B |B7 |E |E7

hirimal yowun wilaasee

|A | |E |

dhzzsin horEn wagee aadhere hzNgum mzwee

|F# | |B |A

sameneLe gaman lathaawee



|E | |A |

maha baMbu kotaa zthee ireNeme sinaasunee

|B |B7 |E |E7

kaagEdhe kawudhoo dhannee

|A | |E |

jiiwene gaman magee maawethe wEnas wunee

|F# | |B |A

adhe rzz winoodhe wannee


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